Apache Shared Component: Maven Artifact Transfer Version 0.10.0 Released
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Shared Component: Apache Maven Artifact Transfer Version 0.10.0
An API to install, deploy and resolving artifacts with Maven3
2 <groupId>org.apache.maven.shared</groupId>
3 <artifactId>maven-artifact-transfer</artifactId>
4 <version>0.10.0</version>
Release Notes Apache Shared Componet Maven Artifact Transfer 0.10.0
- MSHARED-641 - NoSuchMethodException using DependencyResolver with Maven 3.0
- MSHARED-724 - Upgrade mave-surefire/failsafe-plugin 2.21.0
- MSHARED-655 - ArtifactInstaller check for integrity of parameters null, empty collection, being a directory
- MSHARED-656 - Make integration testing for different Maven versions possible
- MSHARED-658 - ArtifactDeployer check for integrity of parameters null, empty collection, being a directory
- MSHARED-677 - Add null checks for ArtifactResolver interface.
- MSHARED-678 - Add null check for ProjectInstaller Interface
- MSHARED-679 - Make all classes package private in internal package
- MSHARED-695 - Move checksum creation from install part to deploy part
- MSHARED-696 - Add missing Maven Version 3.5.2 to ArtifactDeployerTest
- MSHARED-697 - Add Maven Version 3.5.3 to all Integration tests after releasing Maven 3.5.3
- MSHARED-701 - Remove installation of pom checksum - IT's do not fail
- MSHARED-705 - Remove updateReleaseInfo from ProjectInstallerRequest
- MSHARED-698 - Change the package to org.apache.maven.shared.transfer.*
- MSHARED-703 - Try to identify why IT's not running with Maven 3.0.5
- MSHARED-742 - Add null check for DependencyResolver Interface
Dependency upgrades:
- MSHARED-651 - Upgrade plexus-utils to version 3.1.0
- MSHARED-652 - Upgrade to maven-shade-plugin to version 3.0.0
- MSHARED-682 - Upgrade maven-shared-components parent to version 31
- MSHARED-693 - Upgrade JUnit from 4.11 to 4.12
- MSHARED-699 - Upgrade parent to 31 in IT example project
- MSHARED-737 - Upgrade mockito-core to 2.18.3 JDK 10 support
- MSHARED-741 - Upgrade commons-codec to 1.11
-The Maven team
Karl-Heinz Marbaise