Apache Software Foundation Parent POM Version 19 Released
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Software Foundation Parent POM Version 19.
You should specify the version in your project as parent like the following:
2 <groupId>org.apache</groupId>
3 <artifactId>apache</artifactId>
4 <version>19</version>
You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:
Release Notes - Maven POMs - Version ASF-19
- MPOM-118 - Enforce strong GPG signatures by default
- MPOM-124 - Text about for default compiler version giving 1.4 which is wrong
- MPOM-129 - Upgrade apache-rat-plugin to 0.12
- MPOM-130 - Upgrade maven-jar-plugin to version 3.0.2
- MPOM-131 - Upgrade maven-source-plugin to 3.0.1
- MPOM-136 - Upgrade maven-resources-plugin to 3.0.1
- MPOM-137 - Upgrade maven-scm-plugin to 1.9.5
- MPOM-164 - Require Maven 3.0 to build ASF projects
- MPOM-169 - Update to latest RAT 0.12
- MPOM-132 - assembly plugin should use posix, not gnu for tarLongFileMode
- MPOM-141 - Upgrade maven-assembly-plugin to 3.0.0.
- MPOM-142 - Upgrade maven-compiler-plugin to 3.6.0.
- MPOM-144 - Upgrade maven-javadoc-plugin to 2.10.4.
- MPOM-146 - Upgrade maven-resources-plugin to 3.0.2.
- MPOM-147 - Upgrade maven-war-plugin to 3.0.0.
- MPOM-148 - Upgrade clirr-maven-plugin to 2.8.
- MPOM-165 - upgrade maven-invoker-plugin to 3.0.1
- MPOM-166 - upgrade maven-plugin-plugin to 3.5
- MPOM-170 - migrate to Git
Dependency upgrade:
- MPOM-173 - Upgrade mave-surefire/failsafe-plugin 2.20.1
Changes since version 18:
- GitBox: Changes since version 18
- GitHub: Changes since version 18
-The Apache Maven team