Apache Maven Resources Plugin Version 3.0.0 Released
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven Resources Plugin, Version 3.0.0.
Important Note:
- Maven 3.X only
- JDK 6 minimum requirement
2 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
3 <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
4 <version>3.0.0</version>
Release Notes - Apache Maven Resources Version 3.0.0
- MRESOURCES-190 - Regression: The plugin is now silently ignoring .gitignore files.
- MRESOURCES-191 - Updated plexus-interpolation to fix possible concurrency issues
- MRESOURCES-218 - List of examples not complete on first page
- MRESOURCES-219 - Link to wiki page should be removed now that Codehaus is shut down
- MRESOURCES-221 - Additional practices for Filtering example page
- MRESOURCES-99 - ${project.baseUri} and ${maven.build.timestamp} are not expanded by resource filtering
- MRESOURCES-185 - Update version of plexus-utils to 3.0.18
- MRESOURCES-186 - Improve error handling based on Mark invalid
- MRESOURCES-187 - New parameter in the plugin to be able to use filename filtering.
- MRESOURCES-188 - Upgrade to Maven 3.0 compatiblity + JDK 1.6
- MRESOURCES-192 - Upgrade maven-filtering to 1.3
- MRESOURCES-194 - Upgrade to maven-plugins parent version 26
- MRESOURCES-195 - Upgrade maven-plugin-testing-harness to 1.3
- MRESOURCES-197 - Upgrade to maven-plugins parent version 27
- MRESOURCES-201 - Add Parameter for not ignore directories with a leading dot.
- MRESOURCES-202 - Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.0.22
- MRESOURCES-207 - Change package to org.apache.maven.plugins to prevent conflict with Maven Core
- MRESOURCES-208 - Remove @Deprecated marked code
- MRESOURCES-213 - Moved code into maven-filtering
- MRESOURCES-214 - Added requireProjects to resources/testResources mojo
- MRESOURCES-216 - Upgrade maven-filtering to 3.1.0
- MRESOURCES-217 - Updated plexus-utils to 3.0.23
- MRESOURCES-220 - Encoding example should mention recommended default project.build.sourceEncoding property
- MRESOURCES-222 - Remove param properties that doesn't make sense for CLI usage
- MRESOURCES-223 - Define the escapeString by default with ""
New Feature:
- MRESOURCES-203 - Add a skip option to skip the execution of resources goal
Reporters of this Release:
- Felix Köhler [MRESOURCES-201]
- Josue Abarca [MRESOURCES-190]
- Thomas Champagne [MRESOURCES-99]
Many thanks to all reporters/contributors/testers of this release.
-The Apache Maven team