Apache Software Foundation Parent POM Version 18 Released
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Software Foundation Parent POM Version 18.
You should specify the version in your project as parent like the following:
2 <groupId>org.apache</groupId>
3 <artifactId>apache</artifactId>
4 <version>18</version>
Release Notes - Apache Software Foundation Parent POM - Version 18
- MPOM-60 - Add DEPENDENCIES file to the exclude rule for apache-rat-plugin
- MPOM-78 - Updated maven-assembly-plugin to 2.5.5
- MPOM-92 - Upgrade maven-clean-plugin to 2.6.1
- MPOM-93 - Upgrade maven-gpg-plugin to 1.6
- MPOM-94 - Upgrade maven-war-plugin to 2.6
- MPOM-98 - Upgrade maven-compiler-plugin version to 3.3
- MPOM-99 - Upgrade maven-dependency-plugin to 2.10
- MPOM-100 - Upgrade maven.compiler.source/target to 1.6
- MPOM-101 - Use HTTPS by default for snapshot repository
- MPOM-103 - upgrade maven-site-plugin to 3.5.1
- MPOM-108 - Upgrade all plugins to the latest versions
- MPOM-116 - Use https wherever possible
- MPOM-104 - Clean up src/site-docs/site.xml for MSITE 3.5.1
- MPOM-106 - Update maven-assembly-plugin
- MPOM-113 - Missing execution ids
- MPOM-114 - Missing groupId
Changes since version 17:
-The Apache Maven team