Apache Maven Version 3.2.5 Released
The Apache Maven Team is pleased to announce the release of 3.2.5
The release notes can be found here: http://maven.apache.org/docs/3.2.5/release-notes.html
The release can be downloaded from: http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
Full list of changes can be viewed in JIRA: https://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10500&version=20819
- MNG-5568 - ComparableVersion's breaks contract for Comparable, in some edgecases the comparisons are not transitive
- MNG-5592 - Maven Dependency Resolution Locks up
- MNG-5676 - mvn -U crashes with IBM JDK
- MNG-5686 - mvn cannot execute /usr/libexec/java_home/bin/java on OS X.
- MNG-5687 - Parallel Builds can build in wrong order
- MNG-5695 - inconsistent custom scope bindings
- MNG-5696 - Remove dependency on Easymock
- MNG-5700 - Update to plexus-interpolation 1.21 to avoid potential thread safety problems
- MNG-5707 - spell mistake, Log4JLoggerFactory should be Log4jLoggerFactory
- MNG-5711 - LinkageError org.apache.maven.surefire.shade.org.apache.maven.shared.utils.io.IOUtil
- MNG-5716 - ToolchainManagerPrivate.getToolchainsForType() returns toolchains that are not of expected type
- MNG-5723 - Maven downloads same artifact from all repositories defined in POM
- MNG-5712 - Improve toolchains descriptor documentation
- MNG-5713 - Improve Toolchains API description
- MNG-5717 - Enrich toolchain xml with merge information
- MNG-5718 - Change 'provides' from Object to Properties in toolchains.xml
- MNG-5724 - Upgrade to last Wagon 2.8
New Features:
- MNG-5714 - Add Merger for Maven Toolchain
- MNG-5730 - Provide a tool to test Maven version parsing and comparison
- MNG-5719 - rename JavaToolChain to JavaToolchain for consistency and don't declare it as Plexus component
The Maven Team