Animal Sniffer Version 1.11 Released


The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of Animal Sniffer version 1.11.

This release permits the use of custom annotations in lieu of @IgnoreJRERequirement

Animal Sniffer provides tools to assist verifying that classes compiled with a newer JDK/API are compatible with an older JDK/API.

The following tools are provided by animal sniffer:

This helps you track down the offending jar file when you see UnsupportedClassVersionError.

for verifying that your classes comply with an API signature as well as tasks for creating API signatures from a JDK, or a collection or jar and class files, or a collection of other API signature files, or combination of these elements.

  • A rule for use in the maven-enforcer-plugin

    for verifying that your classes comply with an API signature .

  • A maven plugin

    for verifying that your classes comply with an API signature as well as for creating API signatures from a JDK, or the current module's classes, or the current module's dependencies, or a collection of other API signature files, or combination of these elements.

The artifacts are available from the Maven Central repository.

Release Notes - Mojo Animal Sniffer - Version 1.11


  • MANIMALSNIFFER-41 - Define a custom annotation instead of relying on @IgnoreJRERequirement


The Mojo Team.