Mojo's License Maven Plugin Version 1.6 Released

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the License Maven Plugin, version 1.6.

This plugin manages the license of a maven project and its dependencies (update file headers, download dependencies licenses, check thirdparty licenses, ...).


This License Plugin has the following goals:

  • license:add-third-party

    Goal to generate the third-party license file. This file contains a list of the dependencies and their licenses. Each dependency and it's license is displayed on a single line in the format:

    (<license-name>) <project-name> <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version> - <project-url> It will also copy it in the class-path (says add the generated directory as a resource of the build).

  • license:aggregate-add-third-party

    This aggregator goal (will be executed only once and only on pom projects) executed the add-third-party on all his modules (in a parellel build cycle) then aggreates all the third-party files in final one in the pom project.

  • license:check-file-header

    The goal to check if the state of header on project source files.

  • license:comment-style-list

    Displays all the available comment style to box file headers.

  • license:download-licenses

    Download the license files of all the current project's dependencies, and generate a summary file containing a list of all dependencies and their licenses.

  • license:license-list

    Display all available licenses.

  • license:third-party-report

    Generates a report of all third-parties detected in the module.

  • license:update-file-header

    The goal to update (or add) the header on project source files. This goal replace the update-header goal which can not deal with Copyright. This goal use a specific project file descriptor project.xml to describe all files to update for a whole project.

  • license:update-project-license

    Updates (or creates) the main project license file according to the given license defines as licenseName. Can also generate a bundled license file (to avoid collision names in class-path). This file is by default generated in META-INF class-path directory.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

2  <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
3  <artifactId>license-maven-plugin</artifactId>
4  <version>1.6</version>

The artifacts have been deployed to the mojo repository and will be mirrored to central.

Release Notes

Fixed Bugs:

  • MLICENSE-68 - license:third-party-report doesn't honour licenseMerges
  • MLICENSE-91 - .property files mangled after adding license header
  • MLICENSE-96 - Some licenses contain whitespace errors
  • MLICENSE-97 - Add the copyright section in MIT License


  • MLICENSE-80 - Add BSD licenses to the built-ins
  • MLICENSE-82 - Remove empty license groups from result file if using license merges
  • MLICENSE-84 - Option to sort licenses by letter if grouped by license
  • MLICENSE-88 - Support for EUPL v1.1
  • MLICENSE-94 - Add license.includeTransitiveDependencies property access
  • MLICENSE-95 - Include copyright year range, not just inception year
  • MLICENSE-99 - Add EPL v1.0 license
  • MLICENSE-100 - Update some dependencies and plugins versions

New Feature:

  • MLICENSE-92 - license repository files can be dynamic



The Mojo team.