Cargo Maven Plugin 1.4.5 Released
After a really short while a new bug fix release 1.4.5 for Cargo has been released. The CARGO Team has fixed the following bugs:
- CARGO-1222 - JBoss7xInstalledLocalContainer unable to stop container running on hostname other than localhost
- CARGO-1224 - Not all JVM options are supported for Glassfish
- CARGO-1228 - Issue with the display-name of web.xml for WARs inside EARs
- CARGO-1230 - NPE in when adding classpath entry for ResinRun
and the following improvements:
- CARGO-1223 - Add an option to disable the default Glassfish datasource
- CARGO-1225 - Remove the ${versionId} from the default WAR context / EAR names of Deployables
- CARGO-1226 - Add compatibility with JonAS 5.3.x
- CARGO-1227 - JBoss7xInstalledLocalContainer should allow override of "-mp" param via system property
The release notes can found here.