Iterations and Maven? Not Possible?

During my experiences with Maven I had a few moments where I wished having some kind of iterations to go over a list of whatever (servers, environments etc.).

After some thinking about the problem i have decided to write my own plugin which will solve the problem. And now I have created such [plugin][github-iterator-maven-plugin].

Currently the plugin can be used by using it from the staging repository. After some feedback i will release it to Maven central. If you find some problems with the plugin you can create a ticket on github or write an email to me. You can use the plugin like the following:

In this case it will iterator over the given list test,prod and dev and call for every item the maven-assembly-plugin.

 2  <groupId>com.soebes.maven.plugins</groupId>
 3  <artifactId>iterator-maven-plugin</artifactId>
 4  <version>0.1.0</version>
 5  <executions>
 6    <execution>
 7      <phase>package</phase>
 8      <goals>
 9        <goal>executor</goal>
10      </goals>
11      <configuration>
12        <items>
13          <item>test</item>
14          <item>prod</item>
15          <item>dev</item>
16        </items>
18        <pluginExecutors>
19          <pluginExecutor>
20            <plugin>
21              <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
22              <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
23              <version>2.4</version>
24            </plugin>
25            <goal>single</goal>
26            <configuration>
27              <descriptors>
28                <descriptor>${project.basedir}/@item@.xml</descriptor>
29              </descriptors>
30            </configuration>
31          </pluginExecutor>
32        </pluginExecutors>
33      </configuration>
34    </execution>
35  </executions>

If you need you can execute several plugins as well. Just use an extra pluginExecutor for each of your plugins. So in other words: Iteration or foreach in Maven is solved.